Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A commonplace update

I've been wondering whether I should revert to my original description of גֵּר־וְתוֹשָׁב as
"A commonplace book containing items of interest to a biblical studies professor at a confessional Christian college. My voice will only intervene in the event I have something to say."
I do have notes here and there that might eventually materialize as substantive posts, but at the moment reading about prophecy and preparing for what will be another busy semester takes priority--and feels more satisfying. Also at t.'s recommendation we have resolved to take a "writing date"* three evenings a week this semester. The procedure is simple: Put s. to bed, set up mood lighting, prepare snacks, turn off the internet, and sit for an hour working uninterrupted on our respective projects. The result so far is less time for blogging, but measurable progress on an article I thought I would have to shelve until the school year is done (because I don't have time). It is also refreshing and, in its own way, fun.

*The idea comes from this excellent column by Rachel Toor.

In other news, today is the one year anniversary of my mom's seizure.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I really like the idea of your "writing dates". Hope you accomplish much.